Our Blog

Every new puppy parent has doubts. Are you wondering if newborn puppies poop? Or what does normal puppy poop look like? We tell you everything, including what you can do if your newborn puppy is constipated.


Did you find blood in your pup's poop? Learn the main causes of bloody dog poop and the possible treatments. Also, should you contact the vet? We tell you everything!


Does your dog poop while sleeping? This problem is quite common in senior dogs. If this is not your case, find out what the causes may be. And, of course, what you can do to solve this problem.


Is Your Pup on a Poop Strike for Two Days? Unleash our 8 Top Tail-Wagging Home Remedies to Get Things Moving in the Right Direction! Navigate the tricky terrain of canine constipation with our expert, home-friendly solutions that promise to turn your dog's bathroom frown upside down!