My Dog Ate Another Dog's Poop

My dog ate another dog's poop

Updated on January 25, 2023

"OMG! My dog ate another dog's poop ..." How many times did this happen to you? This situation is more common than you may think; in fact, it is a daily part of any dog owner's life.

Now, why does a dog eat another dog's poop? If you are curious about the answer, don't miss our post! 

Our Top 3 Reasons "Why My Dog Ate Another Dog's Poop"

Different causes drive a dog to eat poop. Among them, these three stand out:

1. Anxiety

A dog that spends a lot of time alone at home or doesn't get enough active playtime may eat its own (or other animal's) feces out of anxiety.

2. Needing Attention

On many occasions, your furry friend may want to get more attention from you (just like toddlers) and therefore eats poop in an effort to get your attention. Once you make a fuss about it, your pup may realize that eating poop gets your attention and continue the habit on.

3. Intestinal Illness

Some dogs suffer from nutrient absorption problems and therefore eat poop in an effort to recover the missing nutrients. It may be best to consult your vet!


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My Top 5 Ways You Can Stop Your Dog From Eating Poop Today!

Discover below some ways to modify this behavior that can be harmful to your furry friend:

1. Redirect your dog's attention to something else. You can play with him, run together or give him a treat.

2. Prevent your dog from having access to other dogs poop. If necessary, you can use a muzzle during the walk (especially if your dog is running loose) to prevent him from eating dog waste.

3. If you walk your dog on a leash, be vigilant and prevent him from accessing his own poop or that of other animals.

4. If your dog is trained, you can use keywords like "leave it" to prevent him from taking the poop and then reward him.

5. Share quality time with your dog to reduce stress, boredom, and attention requirements from him.

    Learn More About "Why My Dog Ate Another Dog's Poop"

    It is not news that dogs eat their poop, the poop of other dogs, and even cats and other animals. However, this can be striking to first-time adopters ... and unpleasant, even if you know it's usual.

    Why does a dog eat poop?

    The specialized website PetWD explains that the habit of eating poop is called coprophagia in dogs. This situation occurs as a normal response to certain situations, but also as a symptom of an underlying problem. Did we find out all about it?

    When is it normal for a dog to eat poop?

    In general, female dogs that are nursing tend to eat puppy waste in order to keep their little ones clean.

    But what if your dog is not nursing? Those who exclaim "my dog ​​ate another dog's poop" are not generally referring to the poop of the puppies, but to the fact that their dog ate poop from an unfamiliar dog during the walk.

    Well, incredibly, sometimes dogs eat poop from other dogs or other species simply because they like it. Yes, that's right: the poop of other animals can taste good to them. So should you let your dog do it? It is not ideal. While other animal poop may contain nutrients, it also contains bacteria that could harm your furry friend's body.


    Are you still using plastic bags to pick up your dog's poop? These take around 50 years to degrade. Better use compostable dog poop bags.

    Discover here why you should use compostable poop bags


    Poop eating as a symptom of discomfort

    As we already mentioned, if your dog tends to another dog's poop, it may be due to some underlying problem.

    Maybe your four-legged friend is trying to get your attention. After all, when you stop them from eating feces you immediately get close to him and make a fuss, right?

    Your puppy or dog may also not be feeling well. Did you know that coprophagia is associated with different intestinal issues? The best thing you can do is consult your trusted vet.

    Also, eating poop can be a symptom of anxiety. If your dog spends a lot of time alone at home, you go on a trip for a long time without him, or he is bored, they can sometimes express their loneliness in this way.

    Read: How To Stop My Dog From Eating Cat Poop?

    Stop asking yourself "why my dog ​​ate another dog's poop" and get to work to end this behavior. Visiting the vet is a good option when ever your dog is not behaving in their normal manner. 


    Reasons "Why My Dog Ate Another Dog's Poop"

    My Dog Ate Another Dog's Poop - Why Did This Happen?

    Believe it or not, dogs eat other dogs' poop for a variety of reasons. Some say it’s because their diet may lack essential nutrients; others suggest that pooping is a natural way of marking their territory, and eating the poop helps them to reinforce the message. Whatever the reason, it's likely a habit that your pup has picked up and can be tough to break!

    Is Poop-Eating A Normal Behavior For Dogs?

    Unfortunately, yes - eating poop is not uncommon for dogs of all shapes and sizes. While it may seem gross to us, it's just another day in a pup’s life.

    My Dog Keeps Eating Other Dogs' Poop - What Can I Do?

    The best way to prevent your pup from eating poop is to stay vigilant and clean up any droppings as soon as possible. Additionally, you may want to consider altering your dog’s diet, as this may help reduce the urge that they have to feast on poo! Keeping your pup active and engaged in positive activities is also a great way to distract them from the poop-eating temptation.

    Is Poop-Eating Dangerous?

    Poop-eating can be dangerous for your pet as it can expose him to harmful bacteria and parasites. Ingesting poop from another animal can also cause an upset stomach and other gastrointestinal problems for your pup.

    How Often Should I Deworm My Dog If He Eats Poop?

    If your dog tends to eat their own poop, then it is a good idea to deworm them regularly. Deworming helps keep your pet healthy and free from parasites that can be transmitted through poop-eating. Depending on the type of worms your pet has, you should consult with your vet for specific instructions on how often to deworm them. Generally speaking, it’s recommended to deworm every 3–4 months as long as poop-eating behavior persists.

    Additionally, there are many natural remedies you can use that may help reduce poop-eating behavior in dogs, such as adding garlic or pumpkin seed oil in their food - which makes the poop less appealing! If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to your vet for advice on how to curb poop-eating behavior in dogs.




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    • Antonella - Give a Sh!t

      Hi Lynn,
      First off, hats off to you for being such a keen observer of your canine crew. It’s not every day we come across pet parents who are so in tune with their furry family members. Now, about your female dog’s unusual gourmet preferences…

      In the wild and wonderful world of dog behavior, researchers have noticed something pretty interesting. Usually, it’s the more submissive dog who munch on the feces left behind by the alpha dogs. So, it’s quite the plot twist that in your home, it’s the top dog herself who’s diving into this behavior. Talk about breaking the mold!

      This could be her inner neat freak coming out. Some female dogs have a natural urge to keep their space spotless, kind of like a mom tidying up after her pups. In dog language, this sometimes translates to eating up what’s left behind, even if it’s not exactly what we’d put on our menu.

      But here’s a thought – since you missed asking your vet about this quirky habit, why not give them a ring? They might have some cool insights or tips. Plus, they can double-check to make sure there’s nothing health-related driving her to these culinary adventures.

      I’ll be zipping over an email with some more deets and doggy wisdom.

    • Lynn

      I have a male and female dog the female is domant we have seen her eat the males feces either after he does it or later on. They are both very active dogs get plenty attention love to play. She’s just had a check up at the vet everything was fine all test negative. We feed them Purina dog Dog Chow and milk bone biscuits. We are retired so we’re home quite a bit. Can’t figure out why she’s eating his feces. We forgot to ask the vet why she was doing it.

    • Antonella - Give a Sh!t

      Hi Theresa,
      I’m so sorry to read your experience. It must have been awful! We get you. Some pet parents are not responsible and don’t care about scooping the poop. Regarding your concern, we don’t offer muzzles. Will email you!

    • Theresa C

      My dogs don’t eat other dogs poop but always tend to sniff it and just recently got worms for the first time and one I thought wasn’t going to make it. He got real bad real fast and the vet didn’t know what was wrong, I had to figure it out after spending over $750 on the vet bill! I got muzzles for our walk’s because other pet parents don’t clean up after their fur babies! My question is the smallest is about 5-7 pounds and the one I have doesn’t fit properly do you know where to get one with the mesh on the end, That is xxs? I read to try to distract with treats and such so this is going to be temporary for training! I’m so scared I can’t lose my fur babies… if not I can alter one myself for now maybe?!? I have never had to deal with worm’s before they never get anything. I have them on all natural (veggies and fruits pet approved) not store bought) except from one pet store, and I have been with them for years!

    • Antonella - Give a Sh!t

      So happy to read that! We hope you enjoy our next posts!!!

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