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Is Your Pup on a Poop Strike for Two Days? Unleash our 8 Top Tail-Wagging Home Remedies to Get Things Moving in the Right Direction! Navigate the tricky terrain of canine constipation with our expert, home-friendly solutions that promise to turn your dog's bathroom frown upside down!


Is your dog's poop white? Does it look like pebbles? Does it appear to have rice in it? Abnormal dog poop indicates a health problem. Find out more!


Is your furry friend developing a taste for their own feces? It's not uncommon, but it can be a pretty unpleasant sight. Luckily, there are some home remedies that can help stop this unsavory habit. So take a deep breath, grab a notebook, and get ready to learn how to stop dogs from eating poop. 

Do you think your dog has worms? Surely your first thought was: "my dog has worms in his poop, what should I do?" Relax: we tell you how to recognize the symptoms, how to prevent them, and how to act.


Have you ever wondered why dogs eat poop? Not only his own dog waste, but from other dogs? This article will take care of your doubts ...