10 Foods Dogs Can't Eat: Check Out Our List!

Updated on February 7, 2023
Are you a pet parent? We know what it's like to worry that our beloved Pooch may not be getting the right nutrition. After all, they can't just read the labels like we do! But don't worry – with our list of 10 foods dogs can't eat, you'll have complete assurance that your pup is staying away from dangerous foods.
From artificial sweeteners to avocados and more, find out which food items are strictly off-limits for Fido—along with helpful tips on how to keep him safe and happy. Get ready for some peace of mind...and maybe even a few giggles!
Top 10 Human Foods Your Dog CANNOT Eat
Ah, the irresistible puppy eyes - so hard to deny! But don't let those four-legged cuties fool you; there are some foods out there that would put your beloved pup's health at risk. Let's explore which ones should be firmly off a canine diet.
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1. Xylitol 🍬
Wait, what? Xylitol is a sweetener used to give gum, toothpaste, and some other sweets a richer flavor.
Its use is very widespread since it has few calories and, also, it is suitable for people with diabetes, but not for dogs!
The specialized site WebMD explains that it can cause your dog's blood sugar values to drop. This can lead to vomiting, extreme tiredness, and coordination problems, and ultimately seizures and liver failure.
2. Sugar, Sweets And Ice Cream 🍦
The truth is that we should eat sugar sporadically and in moderate doses because an excess of sugar and sweets has health consequences, such as the development of diabetes. Dogs would never eat candy in the wild, so why give them candy at home?
The consumption of sugar, sweets, and ice cream is linked to cavities, weight gain, and even diabetes. Be careful: you shouldn't give your dog sugar-free sweets either because they can contain xylitol, and we've already explained the risks for our furry friends.
3. Chocolate 🍫
Chocolate is found in the most dangerous human foods for dogs. This famous and tasty treat can cause arrhythmias and CNS dysfunction in dogs, and even lead to death. Not for nothing is called 'chocolate poisoning'.
4. Avocado 🥑
It may seem weird because, after all, avocado is one of the healthiest fruits we know of. Rich in antioxidants and healthy fats, it is recommended to be included in the normal diet of human beings. And there is the key: of the people, not of the dogs.
Did you know that eating avocado is associated with a condition called myocardial necrosis in dogs and other mammals? Prevention is better than cure.
5. Alcohol 🍻
Your dog cannot ingest alcohol. Beer, wine, and any other alcoholic beverage can produce lethargy, increased urination and thirst, disorientation, muscle tremors, paralysis, slow breathing, seizures, and even loss of consciousness.
_________________________Are you still using plastic bags to pick up your dog's poop? These take around 50 years to degrade. Better use compostable dog poop bags._________________________
6. Chicken Bones 🍗
Chicken bones can easily splinter and dig into your pup's throat. That's why chicken bones are food dogs can't eat! In any case, opt for large cow bones.
7. Caffeine ☕
Coffee and tea are the main sources of caffeine that we think of, although chocolate also contains quite a bit of caffeine.
As you know, the caffeine is a stimulant. If your dog were to consume this substance, his heart rate would increase, and it would be difficult for him to relax.
Besides, it would increase his blood pressure, and arrhythmias could appear, two situations of risk of a heart attack. Also, some dogs have shown the presence of tremors, vomiting, and seizures.
8. Raisins And Grapes 🍇
This point can sound weird because what could be wrong with your dog eating fruit? In general, nothing except raisins and grapes.
Believe it or not, there have been reports of dogs suffering kidney failure after eating raisins or grapes. Better, offer your dog an apple, always without seeds.
9. Yeast Dough 🍕
Bread and pizza are the two main examples of foods prepared with yeast dough. Well, eliminate them from your dog's diet because they are among the 10 human foods that your dog cannot eat.
Why? The stomach is a hot and humid environment, just the environment that the yeast needs to lift. Imagine the yeast beginning to expand in your canine friend's stomach.
The expansion of the mass could generate a stomach distension that ends up compromising the life of your pet by generating a gastric distension.
10. Salt 🧂
While some dog foods include salt, we shouldn't give our puppies salty foods like pretzels or chips. Those are some of the foods dogs can't eat, or at least shouldn't eat.
In fact, a study published in the Merck Veterinary Manual found that excessive salt intake in dogs causes vomiting, muscle tremors, diarrhea, weakness, and even seizures.
Now that you have the inside scoop on which people foods are a no-go for pooches, you can rest assured, knowing your pup won't get in to any dietary trouble. Your vet is always there to give their professional advice, but at least now we've taken out all the guesswork when it comes to those dubious snacks!
What Is The Number One Thing Dogs Can't Eat?
The number one food that dogs should never eat is artificial sweeteners, specifically xylitol. This sugar substitute can cause a rapid drop in blood sugar and liver failure if consumed by your pup.
What Are The Three Worst Foods For Dogs?
The three worst foods for dogs are artificial sweeteners, onions and garlic. Onions and garlic can be toxic to pets, leading to gastrointestinal problems like vomiting and diarrhea.
What Fruit Is Poisonous To Dogs?
The most common type of fruit that is poisonous to dogs is grapes and raisins. Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in pets, so it’s important to monitor the amount your pup consumes
What Foods Should I Avoid Feeding My Dog?
To ensure your pup's safety and health, there are certain foods that should never be given to dogs. These include artificial sweeteners like xylitol, avocados, onions, garlic, grapes and raisins, macadamia nuts, chocolate, salt and dairy products. Make sure to double-check ingredients if you're buying foods or treats for your pup, as some may contain these foods. Also, keep all foods off the floor and out of reach—even foods that are safe for dogs!
What Should I Do If My Dog Has Eaten Something On This List?
If you suspect that your pup has ingested a food item from this list, it's important to act quickly. Call your vet immediately and provide them with information about what was consumed, how much was consumed, and when it was consumed. Your vet will be able to provide further guidance and advice on next steps and treatment options.
Are There Foods That Are Generally OK For Dogs, But Can Be Dangerous In Large Quantities?
Yes, foods such as raisins and macadamia nuts can be dangerous if consumed in large amounts. To avoid any potential risks, always check with your vet before giving your pup a new treat or food item.
Are There Foods That Are Safe For Humans But Not For Dogs?
Yes, many foods that are harmless to humans can cause serious health problems for pets. Some examples include onions, garlic, grapes and raisins, macadamia nuts and chocolate. It's important to make sure these foods are kept out of reach of both children and animals –– even foods that are considered safe!
What Else Should I Consider When Feeding My Dog?
Make sure to consult your vet for tailored advice on foods that are safe for your particular pup. Also, always feed them in moderation and provide plenty of fresh water throughout the day. With these simple steps, you can keep your four-legged friend happy and healthy.
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